Absolutely precious gift


“All year, my grandmother would wait for the summer day when Chick-fil-A would bring back their peach milkshake. It was the closest thing she had found to her sister Merle’s homemade peach ice cream, and even the worst days were better with that milkshake in hand. Last year on her birthday in late July, she let us all eat her cake as she drank her peach milkshake instead. I’m so thankful that I was thinking clearly enough to snap a picture of her enjoying that treat, one of her last.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago… the Chick-fil-A Facebook page made their announcement: peach milkshakes had a return date. I responded and told them how much my grandmother loved them, how after her death this past March, I would drink as many as I could this summer in her honor. I shared with them the picture from her last birthday. Chick-fil-A told me to send them a private message and asked for my email and address and told me to expect a surprise.
Within a day or so, I had 2 free peach milkshakes added to my Chick-fil-A account and thought, oh how very sweet of them. With Isaac so sick, it was a happy spot in my day. But imagine my surprise when a few days later, a box from Chick-fil-A arrived at my house. Inside, there was a sweet handwritten card along with an ice cream cone keychain, 4 cards for more free peach milkshakes, and a Chick-fil-A mug. Those were all things that I know they had available to share with people, but I was appreciative.
But at the bottom of the box, wrapped in bubble wrap, was a peach colored picture frame with the picture of Granga I had shared with them. Someone was thoughtful enough to go the extra mile and have the picture printed and framed for me, and I laughed through tears at the absolutely precious gift. A stranger cared enough to do this for me, and it was such a sweet and thoughtful gesture.
Man, I miss her so much. But, boy, am I appreciative of the way she is living on and how much sweeter every sip of peach milkshake is this year.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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